Nursing Assistant program offers initial and renewal AHA BLS certification
Learn what it takes to advance!
Learn what it takes to advance!
We have dedicated educators, who are licensed APRNs and RNs, who tailor their classes to the needs of the students. The educators are RN licensed and are Basic Life Support Instructors. These educators are committed to the success of the student.
While attending the Innovative School of Health, educators will instruct you on a broad range of subjects, including basic Nursing Assistant skills, infection control, emergency procedures, personal care, psychosocial needs, basic restorative services, and skills. Our program length is 120 hours.
Our mission is to prepare nursing assistants by focusing on compassion and quality of care throughout the community.
Florida Board of Nursing #1623
Commission for Independent Education #7911
The nursing assistant will acquire the knowledge and learn about the human body. This program offers a complete professional study in all aspects related to care for patients.
This program offers anyone the opportunity to learn high-quality CPR and Basic Life Support skills. The class length is approximately 4.5 hours.
This class offers BLS renewal and new students.
Non-refundable fee
Theory and Clinical Instruction and Clinical Placement
Text books and Lab equipment
AHA BLS Certification (CPR, Choking, AED training)
AHA BLS Renewal (CPR, Choking, AED training)
Please attach resume and transcripts
Class Start Times: January 3, 2021; February 21, 2021; April 4, 2021; June 20, 2021
Please note your education level below
(example: college graduate, high school diploma/GED)
Please give short personal statement (100 words)
Sign up below for the 4-hour Initial BLS class and 3-hour Renewal Class
Each class is 9 am to 1 pm and 6 pm-10 pm every Wednesday
Alternate Location**
2333 Hansen Lane, Suite 104
Tallahassee, FL 32218
850-656-5934 (BLS only)
If you have questions about the opportunities available to you in our programs, please send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
3890 Dunn Avenue, Suite 103, Jacksonville, Florida 32218, United States
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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